$555.00 USD

Trailblazing Content

Welcome to Trailblazing Content, an instant access content & messaging program that teaches you to create content so converting,  your dream client will find your account & purchase from you within hours to a few days of finding you at all of your pricepoints. 


 I see you posting the content. 

I see you pouring value into your audience. 

You’re incredible at what you do & when you work with clients, you get them life-changing results. 

You know you’re meant to lead hundreds of women in your programs. 

But when it comes to the content….it’s just not bringing in the the huge waves of clients you *know* you’re meant to serve. 

Here's what's happening inside of your business:

  • Maybe you're getting inquiries, but then you're hearing "it's too expensive". 

  • Or people *are* buying, but they're not quiiiite all the soul-on-fire dream clients who make you happy dance with excitement for your calls (you can tell because part of you feels *heavy* after your calls with them). 

  •  Maybe It feels like it takes MONTHS to "warm your dream client up" before she buys. 

  •  Maybe sales feel inconsistent & unpredictable...content feels like hours every week of a guessing game:"Will this work?? Let's see!"

  •  Maybe you're spending 90 minutes on life-changing content, but when you post, it's just not getting pushed out by the algorithm & your dream client doesn't even see it. 

  • Maybe you're getting a steady trickle of new followers & "love this post!" comments, but the engagement is just not converting to *sales* the way you know they could be. 

These are all signs you can clean up your content & messaging,

so that you can attract & convert the TRUE clients you're meant for by the dozens into your offers.

I know exactly what we can shift about your content & messaging that will 3x your sales....with the *true* dream clients signing up for your programs daily in your DMs. 

They're the exact shifts I made in my content to go from $10K months to consistent $30K-$50K months. 

These content shifts are why I get to consistently sign on 4 & 5figure clients straight from the DMs, without sales calls. 


I’m going to teach how to do this in Trailblazing Content. 


  • A full body YES dream client finds your profile & is IN after an hour of binging your content. 

  • 4 & 5figure clients pay you your highest rates every week with a quick “send me the link!” in the DMs. 

  • Your content pours out of you everyday as you sip your coffee like drops of ART that blow up the online space with your name the moment you press "publish". 

  • Your community eats up every post you drop with saves, comments & SALES because your words hit their soul.  

THIS is what’s possible with Trailblazing Content. 

When I made the content & messaging shifts that I'm going to teach you in Trailblazing Content, here's what happened for me: 

  • I doubled my revenue last year from 6 figures to multi 6figures. 

  • I just had a $70K+ launch of my Mastermind with no sales calls or sales page, with clients who make Voxer feel like a slumber party. 

  • $30K-$50K months are the new normal, without ads or fancy funnels.  

  • New dream humans regularly find my account & are “IN!” that same afternoon after binging my content. 

THIS is possible for you too.

Trailblazing Content is going to teach you how to do just that. 

Here's what's going down in this program: 

  • PILL AR 1: Speaking to your *true* dream client. I get that you've done "ideal client" work before. But chances are, as you've been working with more clients, you've upgraded who you *really* want to work with. You don't want to work with *just anyone*, but your content is still speaking to *anyone your service can help* & it's costing you sales. When you narrow your content to *only* speak to the person you're truly meant for and you know exactly how to speak to her, that's when you'll attract the ready-to-buy "high level" clients in your DMs & sign on only the *true* dream clients who make your Voxer chat feel like a slumber party. (these shifts are how my clients & I sign on 5-figure clients).

  • PILL AR 2: The Converting Content Types: "Give value" and "inspire" as your content strategy may attract followers, but it won't convert to sales. (& I don't know about you but I'm not here for followers, I'm here to make huge sales so I can actually change lives by the 100s with my work...you too?). I'm giving you all the content types you need, so that your feed works as a cohesive sales page that is attracting & converting new clients on the daily. Right now, it may feel like it takes months to "warm people up" before buying. But when you nail the content types, that's when a dream client can find your account & be in your DMs asking for links within an hour of finding your profile....this content strategy is the recipe for FAST conversions.

  • PILLAR 3: Hooks that stop the scroll & the caption frameworks that convert. You may have a genius idea, but if it's not being formatted in a digestible way that stops the scroll, works with the algorithm, & converts.....your dream client will scroll right by & hire someone else. When you nail the hook frameworks that stop your dream client's scroll, work with the algorithm to get your post pushed out, & you know how to format carousel swipes & reel captions to convert, thats when your dream client will be running to your DMs just from reading 1 post. 

  • PILLAR 4: Selling on IG Stories. Your content can do a lot of the selling for you, but when you also have IG Stories that convert, that's when the "on the fence" people get off the fence and jump "IN!" to your programs. I'm teaching you how to ditch the fluffy language that's preventing your dream client from buying right now, & how to message your programs in a way that make your dream client want IN (no matter the price point)..I'm also teaching you the "soft selling" pieces that need to be on your IG stories that will convert your dream client outside of your sales slides (cough cough...no, just throwing up your sales slides isn't enough).

  • PILLAR 5: UNLEASHING your inner trailblazer. There's a reason I called this program Trailblazing Content. Yes, its important to have all the strategy that converts. Of course I'm teaching you that in this program. But you will turns heads as a leader all over social media when you unleash your inner trailblazer. I'm going to help you unleash your voice, your genius & why YOU are The One for your dream client...so that your conviction in self oozes into every post you share. After Trailblazing Content, you will feel PROUD of your feed as it reflects who you are, what you stand for & is the home base for your Global Movement that changes lives across the world. 

Look, you & I both know you're meant to trailblaze in a bigger way. You're moving big, but you can move bigger. You've been working on your content for a long time. You've been showing up daily and posting.

But now you're ready to have an Instagram feed where people say "Oh my god. I love your content. It changed my life. I'm ALL IN with you at your highest rates".

All while you feel PROUD of every post you publish- like its art dripping from your soul as you change the planet with your unique impact. 

Your content is your truth. It's your wisdom. & it brings in dozens of dream clients whose lives you get to change with your work daily. 

THIS is Trailblazing Content. 

Trailblazing Content is an instant access content & messaging program made up of 15 trainings that will have you turning heads as The Leader for your growing global community & convert full body YES dream clients who pay you your highest rates in the DMs. 



xx, Alex Najarian